Archive for February, 2012

New Rebates Now Available on Secondary & Recreational Homes

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

The B.C. Government announced on Friday February 17th the transitional rules from HST to GST/PST and how they will apply to the sale of new homes and recreational property.

What this means for The Cottages at Cultus Lake……

We are extremely excited that the government has introduced a new rebate for newly constructed recreational homes. Currently there is no HST rebate offered of any kind, at any price, anywhere in the province for a second home purchase, however, as of April 1st 2012 (yes, this year!) there will be. Purchasers of new Cottages will now be eligible to claim a provincial grant of up to $42,500.

For more information on this subject, please click on the following news links:

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please contact the Discovery Centre at:

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